New era for solar in Greece


Greece is boosting solar and wind with auctions, but there are still some challenges. 

Greece is preparing to auction 2.6 gigawatts of solar and wind projects until 2020, starting this July.


The Greek solar and wind market is about to restart signaling a new era after eight years of financial crisis . It's a great chance to develop the Greek economy and achieve the 2020 and 2030 renewable energy targets.

Having as Greece now a decade of experience in the RES markets and with global prices still galloping downwards, it is expected that the second phase of the solar and wind market will show a more sustainable and stable way of growth.

The Greek market has been around for a decade and has deployed more than 2.6 MW. All of these experiences in the construction of PV systems and the provision of services have significantly improved the technical knowledge and skills of installers.

Have a question, need help designing a system or just want to know more about MG Solar? Feel free to contact us by email or toll-free call.

Rahasia pribadi